INTRODUCTION: Farivar Konesh EEG Gel is a conductive gel with specific viscosity. It is usually used in recording of EEG signals using Easy Caps.
USAGE: For use with non-disposable neurodiagnostic surface electrodes during EEG exams, evoked potential procedures and brainmapping. For External Use Only.
APPLICATION: Do not use too much Farivar gel. The size of area of gel becomes the effective size of the electrode. This can reduce inter-electrode distances and compromise the exam. Place a small amount of gel into clean container. Fill the blunt tip syringe and inject the gel into each of the recording electrodes. Do not fill the syringe directly from the jar of gel. If there is no hair at the electrode site, place a sponge disk round the electrode. When finished recording, gel may be removed from the scalp with mild soap and warm water, and from the cap and electrodes with Ivory liquid detergent and warm water.
CAUTION: Use topically on healthy, skin only. Do not use on or near open wounds, bruised or weakened skin due to injury or the medical condition of the patient. Do not use on patients with a history of skin allergies or sensitivity to cosmetics or lotions. If rash, redness, itching, swelling or abnormality appears on skin, wash off immediately. Instruct patients to communicate any persistent redness, soreness or swelling at the electrode sites. Avoid eye contact. May cause mild transient irritation. Wash eye with appropriate 0.9% saline solution, commercial eye wash solution or water to flush out residual particles. Avoid rubbing eyes. Patients’ tolerance for topical applications to the skin varies widely. Some patients poorly tolerate conductive media and salts. Respond to any complaint that may signal product intolerance. It is not recommended that the gel be left in place for longer than eight hours for any single recording session. Do not use with current inducting electrodes.
SAFETY AND HANDLING: The gel is essentially non-toxic, however ingestion could result in nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea. Drink 1 to 2 glass of water in ingested. Electro-Gel is no to reused. May be disposed of without special handling. Shelf life is 1 year if stored properly. i.e. kept with containers lightly closed at room temperature. Keep out of the reach of children.